Q1.Does Berlitz sponsor visas?
Berlitz may be able to sponsor a working visa for eligible applicants for specific positions.
Q2.How do I know if I am eligible to be sponsored by Berlitz for a work visa in Japan?
Please see our Visa information page at: Visa Sponsorship & Requirements.
Q3.Do I need to speak, read or be able to write Japanese to fill out the visa application documents?
No. The documents are bilingual and are available both in Japanese and English.
Q4.How long does the visa application process take from application to receipt?
The process varies by applicant, area, and time of year but in general the minimum is two months.
Q5.Can I start working before I receive my visa or work permission?
No, we do not allow employees to begin work until they have the proper visa or work permission.
Living in Japan
Q1.I do not speak Japanese; can I still live and work in Japan?
It is possible to live in Japan without speaking Japanese, though having some basic language skills will help with your daily life greatly. The main language of communication in our Language Centers among employees is English. Within the classroom, the target language being taught is used exclusively. Therefore, you do not need to speak Japanese to work at Berlitz.
Q2.Does Berlitz provide housing?
No. We do not require or provide specific housing for our employees. We can suggest housing providers but leave the acquisition process to the individual employee.
Q3.What is the Health Support Benefit?
The Health Support Benefit(HSB) is a supplementary accident and illness program we provide free of charge to our eligible instructors and their eligible dependents to assist them with medical costs.
Q4.Does Berlitz do my taxes?
Berlitz Japan is a Japanese company and will handle basic Japanese tax processes for income earned in Japan. Any special cases must be handled directly by the employee directly with their relevant tax office. Foreign nationals residing in Japan are responsible for knowing and complying with the tax laws and regulations of their own country.
Teaching at Berlitz
Q1.Do I have to teach children?
Berlitz offers lessons for adults, teens, and children at all our Language Centers, so all instructors are required to teach all ages. The ratio of adult-to-kids lessons varies by location however, meaning that some instructors deliver more kids lessons than others.
Q2.Can I only teach children?
All instructors teach adults and teens, so teaching only children is not an option.
Q3.Can I only teach business people?
Berlitz offers lessons to a wide range of customers with different learning goals. While most of our customers are business-oriented learners, we also have customers who are studying for non-business reasons as well. Our instructors are required to teach all customer types.
Q4.How and when do I get paid?
Salary is paid directly into an employee's bank account monthly in Japan. Berlitz's salary cycle is from the 18th of the month to the 17th of the following. Payment for work completed in that period is paid on the 28th of the same month. The bank account must be based in Japan.
Q5.Can I choose which Language Center I am based at?
Preferences are considered when assigning base locations, but ultimately Berlitz will make the final decision.
Q6.If I move to another area, can I transfer to a Language Center that is closer to me?
Transfer requests will be considered after a minimum of one year of service at an instructor’s base location and subject to company approval.
Q7.How long is the contract/commitment?
Standard employment contracts are for one year with the option to renew based on mutual agreement.
Q8.How soon can I start teaching after completing the qualification program?
If you have the proper work visa/permission, in theory you may begin working right after you successfully complete Day 6 of IQP. However, the specific start date is set in coordination with your Manager of Instruction and is based on numerous factors.
Q9.Can I switch between contract types?
As employment contracts are for one year, in principle you cannot change within the year. However, if it is acceptable for both the employee and the company, contract changes can be considered. Final approval rests solely with the Company.
Q10.Will Berlitz pay for my commutation and transportation costs?
For FTI, PTP and PTG contracts, your actual monthly commutation pass (teiki) is covered by the Company, up to a maximum of 27,000 JPY. Additional work-related transportations costs not covered by the pass are also reimbursed. Per Lesson instructors may be eligible for this benefit (see PL contract description for details).
Q11.I currently work for Berlitz in another country. Can I request for transfer to Berlitz Japan?
There are over 500 Language Centers in 70 countries around the world under the Berlitz Corporation umbrella. Each country/location operates independently subject to local market conditions, so you cannot "transfer" between countries. At Berlitz Japan, current global Berlitz employees applying may be given priority in hiring and possibly be eligible for a higher base starting salary (subject to individual application circumstances).
Q12.I'm an experienced English instructor, can I negotiate to get higher starting salary?
Except for current Berlitz instructors outside Japan, all new instructors start at the same starting salary at Berlitz Japan.
Q13.What is the lesson structure?
Lessons at Berlitz last 40 minutes and can be broken down into 3 key stages:

- Presentation:
- New language based on student goals is introduced in context in this first stage.
- Practice:
- Students practice using the language introduced in the previous stage in a variety of activities that become less controlled as the lesson progresses.
- Performance:
- The final stage gives students the opportunity to focus on building fluency and apply the learning from the previous stages in a way that is personally meaningful.
Q14.What kind of feedback will I get about my lessons?
Berlitz regularly monitors lessons (listening and observing) and then follows up with a Professional Development Session, highlighting areas that were delivered well and working on areas that could be improved. During your initial 3-month development period, you will receive frequent feedback to help you develop your skills as a Berlitz instructor to exceed our customers' expectations.
Q15.Will I teach the same students each week?
We believe learners benefit from speaking with a variety of instructors from different backgrounds and with different accents thus you may see some students more often than others, but in general we use a rotation system.
Q16.Can students request certain instructors?
As long as there is a clear understanding of the benefits of instructor rotation, we can accept requests for certain instructors when possible.
Q17.Do I have to sell textbooks or materials to students?
Instructors are not required to sell materials. Language Center staff are responsible for sales of materials in the Language Centers.
Q18.What duties will I have in addition to teaching?
While the large part of a working day is in the classroom, instructors may be asked to write reports, prepare lessons, or help with special events such as themed lessons or seminars. Some additional responsibilities could also include making customized curricula, helping with scheduling, or assisting with other administrative tasks in the Language Center.
Q19.Do I have to write my own lesson plans?
Most of our lessons use Berlitz-created materials, which include Instructor Manuals (IMs) containing lesson plans with step-by-step teaching instructions. However, since a learner-centered approach is a key component of our teaching philosophy, we encourage our instructors to use IMs as a jumping-off point to customize each lesson to match the learning goals of our customers.
Q20.Do I have to strictly follow the lesson plans in the instructor manuals?
Lesson plans are meant to serve as a strong guide to assist instructors and eliminate the need for out-of-class lesson preparation, but they do not have to be strictly followed step-by-step. These lesson plans are part of a curriculum with target language points which need to be introduced, practiced, and assimilated. However, our number one operating principle is Total Customer Orientation, which means we must provide lessons that are relevant and useful to the customer. Therefore, as a Berlitz instructor it is not only an option but your responsibility to customize the lesson plans to help your students meet their learning goals.
Q21.Do I have to use the Berlitz Method in my lesson?
Yes. When customers first come to the Language Center, they are given a level assessment followed by a demonstration lesson using the Berlitz Method. Lessons are sold based on the expectation that their lessons will be taught using the Method. Within the Method however, there is room for instructors to add their personal touch to lessons.
Q22.What is the dress code at Berlitz?
The dress code is business professional. Visible tattoos, facial piercings, and dyed hair in unnatural colors are not permitted. For further information please see the Dress Code section of this site at: Attire
Q23.Can I use Japanese in the classroom?
All Berlitz lessons are taught exclusively in the target language. The customer's native language is never used in the classroom.
Q24.When I am not teaching lessons, will I be required to stay at the LC?
If you are not scheduled to work, you do not need to be in the Language Center.
Q25.Will I have set days off or will they change from week to week?
Days off are fixed. instructors have the option of earning additional income by opening their availability on a day off for a 6th day of work. However, our Work Rules prevent employees from working 7 days in a week.
Q26.What procedure is used to determine salary increases and promotion?
All LC-based instructors who deliver a set minimum number of lessons annually will have an annual Instructor Performance Evaluation with their Manager of Instruction, upon which any possible salary increases are based.
Q27.I speak a 2nd language fluently in addition to English. Could I teach that language as well?
While this may be possible from time to time, instructors are hired to primarily teach one language.
Q28.I know that Out Services (OS) are delivering lessons at client locations, but is it mandatory to deliver OS lessons?
All instructors are required to deliver OS lessons however the volume may vary.
Q29.Are instructors also rotated at OS lessons?
In most cases, OS lessons are continuously delivered by the same instructor. In some cases, however, there may be two or three instructors who teach the same course on a rotation basis.
Q30.If I deliver OS lessons, would I also have to deliver lessons at the LC on the same day?
It is possible depending on the length of the OS, the location, and your availability.
Q31.Is there any training before delivering OS lessons?
Most OS lessons use standard Berlitz lessons and methodology but if there is a need for it, additional training will be provided for OS-specific courses. For OS courses with large classes, we provide additional training for delivering these lessons.
Q32.Can I deliver only OS lessons?
Most instructors are hired primarily to work in the Language Center and also deliver OS lessons.
Holidays & Vacations
Q1.Do I earn paid vacation days as a Part Time Plus, Part Time Guaranteed or Per Lesson instructor?
Yes, PTP and PTG are automatically eligible to earn paid vacation days. PL instructors will be eligible if they work the required minimum number of lessons/days.
Q2.Do I have to work on Japanese National Holidays?
We do not require our instructors to work on Japanese National Holidays. However, we do deliver lessons in some LCs on some of the holidays. You have the option to make yourself available to work on those days, but you are not required to.
Q3.Do I have to work on Christmas?
Christmas Day is a company holiday for Berlitz Japan (not a National Holiday) and our instructors do not have to work that day. In addition, if Christmas Eve falls on a weekday, we close our operations early that day.
Q4.Can I take time off whenever I want to?
We try to allow our employees to take time off when they would like to but unfortunately there are times when this may not always be possible due to high lesson volume or other conditions.
Q5.Can I take time off in addition to the paid vacation days I earn?
Leave of Absence (unpaid time off) is never automatically granted but we understand that from time to time there may be situations where instructors have already used all their vacation days and need additional time off. In general, within reason and given enough notice, we try to help our employees take these days.
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